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JimJim's Reinvention Revolution Podcast

Aug 7, 2017

Explore the process of reinvention in the digital age as it relates to career, creativity and technology impact on daily life.  Interview with professionals, entrepreneurs and creatives who have re-imagined success and are making a pivot.  Hear insights about their inspiration, turning point and how the new digital world has inspired or forced a new outlook.  Subscribe for weekly interviews about Reinvention, Creative Inspiration, Motivation, Breaking Through, Digital Landscape and Entrepreneurship.

Reinvention, Re-imagine, Turning Point, Re-brand, Technology Impact, Entrepreneur, Digital Age, Creativity

Join the Revolution today.

01:25s Donuts, biscuits and accents at Rise in Durham, NC

3:03s University Life

5:10s   Physics is Natural Philosophy

9:02s Pros and cons of University / Academic Life

11:00s Thirst for creativity and the science and art connection

14:00s Making your own flip flops

17:00s Searching / trying architecture school

23.34s Say hello to Ms. Amazing, please!

25:00s Working at Target with a PhD in physics

27:00s Experimenting and exploring diverse interests

30:14s Knowing what it’s like to “bonk” and working for a bike shop

33:50s Finding the right education

40:00s Working as a web merchant in the bike industry

45:03s Getting laid off and not getting another job, but finding opportunity

48:00s Finding your tribe!

51:00s Riding the Rockies and thinking

57:00 Goolge Innovation Hub and the Durham, NC entrepreneurial community

1:02:12s The changing landscape around us gives opportunity

“In the past I might have not paid attention” “I was becoming more open to everything”

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