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JimJim's Reinvention Revolution Podcast

Aug 20, 2021

#marioherger #jimjimsreinventionrevolution #futureangst 

Mario Herger is a chemical engineer turned software engineer turned entrepreneur who's found his niche in innovation consulting and research. Listen to JJRR 86 as Mario describes how working with software while earning his PhD in chemical engineering spawned a career with SAP and brought him to silicon valley USA from his home in Vienna Austria. Now founder of Enterprise Garage, Mario spends his time infusing the culture of innovation into corporate businesses and governments around the world.

Enterprise Garage - Bringing the Spirit of Silicon Valley to Your Company – Mario Herger, Author of Silicon-Valley-Mindset

The Last Driver License Holder… – …has already been born. How Google, Tesla, Apple, Uber & Co will change our lives, cities and destroy jobs. And why this is good this way.

07:14s Future angst: being afraid of the tech future, odd for an engineering country (Germany)

12:45s Enterprise garage consulting: inspired by silicon valley startup culture

14:58s Starting a career with SAP in Germany and driving on the autobahn!

18:10s Learning how to manipulate diesel emissions (don’t tell anybody 😊)

21:50s Innovation Outposts: Co-locating facilities near technology and innovation culture

26:16s Leaving SAP to start Enterprise Garage Consulting

30:50s Find the title: “The last driver’s license holder has already been born”

38:14s Changing from ICE to EV to autonomous driving cars

45:25s The current electric vehicle landscape

49:25s Secondary effects of pandemic driving electric vehicle conversion

55:58s New electric vehicle competition expanding rapidly

01:03:52s Tackling your own future angst and staying open to new tech

01:09:32s Spend time with other disciplines / groups of people for discovery

01:12:12s Realizing that reinvention happens during turbulent times

“You wanna try to understand what is this mindset that a startup brings on the  road and bring it into a big corporation.”

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