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JimJim's Reinvention Revolution Podcast

Nov 9, 2020

#jeffharry #discoveryourplay #jimjimsreinventionrevolution #positivepsychology

Jeff Harry is a positive psychology coach and play mentor who helps top businesses and entrepreneurs rediscover their play.
Listen to JJRR 75 as Jeff shares how he quit the corporate toy world because he wasn't having any fun and dove into building businesses around his passion for play. Now an expert in play / positive psychology, Jeff trains businesses and entrepreneurs how the power of play unleashes creativity and innovation. When's the last time you hit the playground?


09:41s Jeff’s Lego bowtie and why he wears it

12:56s Your future is where your fun is and Kevin Carroll

16:06s Creating Rediscover your Play to combine positive psychology and play

18:39s The brain science behind the state of play / flow

26:07s Why don’t adults play / play enough?  148,000 No’s, Getting should on!

29:40s Hanging out in different worlds that challenge the status quo

32:37s Defining play as a joyful act in the moment, not connected to outcomes

34:10s Affluent deadness

40:02s What was the core part of you that gave up to become an adult?

40:46s Jeff’s personal embarrassing story of being cool / wanting to belong vs playing

48:01s Building connection and rapport with play, discovering your own value

50:46s Breaking down reinvention, letting go of 2020

53:53s Getting inspired to play for a living and quitting the toy industry

56:48s Playing with Legos and getting paid to play / STEM

1:00:46s Learning to be in touch with your creativity at a winery

1:04:50s Sending out positivity on social media, embracing connections through tech

1:07:27s Pivoting into online speaking and video content creation

“What’s powerful about the quote of ‘Your future is where your fun is’ is whichever organizations or people are having the most fun, they’re the most adaptable.”

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