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JimJim's Reinvention Revolution Podcast

Jun 4, 2021

#monicagoes #jimjimsreinventionrevolution #travel

Monica Ortega is a host, actress, singer and line dance instructor who's passion for travel has helped her understand the power of pivoting. Listen to JJRR 83 as Monica describes how her travel channel was born and why her divorce and the pandemic provided clarity and inspiration for her new book The Power of Pivoting which shares her journey. Now helping others pivot with a purpose, Monica is creating masterminds and outdoor adventure experiences that embrace change and tackle facing fears.

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06:27s Ideating a book on pivoting and embracing change

08:05s Growing up fearing change, facing fears with travel

10:28s Dealing with change and realizing we’re continuously pivoting

11:36s Building out a mental health toolkit and setting goals

15:34s Pivoting with a Purpose Mastermind 6-week program

19:34s Being a type A person and combining it with woo woo LA / entertainment culture

23:01s Creating your dream show as an audition -  hosting a youtube travel show

26:48s Pivoting the travel channel to adventure vs travel

29:09s Facing fears on camera, white water rafting yikes!

31:50s Tips for being on camera

36:19s Building in time to your schedule to research and learn about technology

37:35s If you don’t like something you can leave, change is inevitable   

“You kinda just gotta go with the flow. And let everything else go and see what happens.  I have way more fun in my life now.”

“2020 was interesting because everybody is dealing with change and loss and pivoting became this really big word but the truth is we’re always pivoting.”

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