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JimJim's Reinvention Revolution Podcast

Nov 30, 2022

#jimjimsreinventionrevolution #unleashinginfluence #personalbranding

Dr. Angela Mulrooney is a denstist, dancer, and entrepreneur who’s affinity for arson is unleashing personal branding.  Listen to JJRR 101 as Angela describes how a genetic neurological disorder destroyed her career in dentistry but lit a fire...

Nov 9, 2022

#jimjimsreinventionrevolution #polarplunge #milemethod #costarica

Hey Revolutionaries it’s JJRR episode 100 and time to celebrate!!!  Listen to JJRR 100 (😊 I can’t believe I just typed JJRR 100) as JimJim takes this episode to give thanks to all who’ve been listening, all the guests and all the support...

Sep 28, 2022

#serbia #videoautomation #videoeditor #jimjimsreinventionrevolution

Nebojsa Savicic is a freelancer turned startup founder who’s bringing custom video automation to the masses.  Listen to JJRR 99 as Nebosja shares how a chance interaction with a teacher early on started a freelance journey into video...

Sep 2, 2022

#robinlanda #jimjimsreinventionrevolution #brainstorming

Robin Landa is a professor and author who’s passionate about staying nimble, remaining open to change and fostering creativity.  Listen to JJRR 98 as we discuss Robin’s two new book releases Strategic Creativity and the New Art of Ideas.  Building on the...

Aug 12, 2022

#stevekortyka #ryandevlin #saxophone #jimjimsreinventionrevolution

Steve Kortyka and Ryan Devlin are leading saxophone improvisers who have leaned into social media content creation the past few years, spawing their new release “A Series of Circumstances.”  The guys stopped by the updated JJRR studios in person...